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Topic-wise articles can be found below:
Quantum Computing ▼
- Tiwari, P., Zhang, L., Qu, Z., & Muhammad, G. (2024). Quantum Fuzzy Neural Network for Multimodal Sentiment and Sarcasm Detection. Information Fusion. Available online, Code
- Qu, Z., Zhang, L., & Tiwari, P. (2024). Quantum Fuzzy Federated Learning for Privacy Protection in Intelligent Information Processing. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Available online, Code
- Qu, Z., Chen, W., & Tiwari, P. (2024). HQ-DCGAN: Hybrid quantum deep convolutional generative adversarial network approach for ECG generation. Knowledge-Based Systems. Available online
- Qu, Z., Chen, Z., Dehdashti, S., Tiwari, P. (2024). QFSM: A Novel Quantum Federated Learning Algorithm for Speech Emotion Recognition With Minimal Gated Unit in 5G IoV. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Available online
- Qu, Z., Meng, Y., Muhammad, G., Tiwari, P. (2024). QMFND: A quantum multimodal fusion-based fake news detection model for social media. Information Fusion (equal contribution). Available online, Code
- Tiwari, P., Dehdashti, S., Obeid, A. K., Marttinen, P., & Bruza, P. (2022). Kernel method based on non-linear coherent states in quantum feature space. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 55(35), 355301. Available online
- Qu, Z., Shi, W., Tiwari, P. (2023). Quantum conditional generative adversarial network based on patch method for abnormal electrocardiogram generation. Computers in Biology and Medicine (equal contribution). Available online
- Qu, Z., Li, Y., Tiwari, P. (2023). QNMF: A Quantum Neural Network Based Multimodal Fusion System for Intelligent Diagnosis. Information Fusion (equal contribution). Available online
- Qu, Z., Chen, Z., Ning, X., Tiwari, P. (2023). QEPP: A Quantum Efficient Privacy Protection Protocol in 6G-Quantum Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Available online
- Qu, Z,, Li, Y., Liu, B., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P.. (2023). DTQFL: A Digital Twin-Assisted Quantum Federated Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Diagnosis in 5G Mobile Network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Qu, Z., Shi, W., Liu, B., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P.. (2023). IoMT-based smart healthcare detection system driven by quantum blockchain and quantum neural network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Qu, Z., Meng, Y, Liu, B., Muhammad, G., Tiwari, P.. (2023). QB-IMD: A secure medical data processing system with privacy protection based on quantum blockchain for IoMT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Available online
- Meng, Y, Qu, Z., Muhammad, G., Tiwari, P.. (2023). Secure and efficient data transmission based on quantum dialogue with hyperentangled states in cloud office. Internet of Things Journal. Available online
- Qu, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, B., Tiwari, P., Ning, X., & Muhammad, K. (2023). Quantum detectable Byzantine agreement for distributed data trust management in blockchain. Information Sciences, 637, 118909. Available online
- Deshmukh, S., Behera, B. K., Mulay, P., Ahmed, E. A., Al-Kuwari, S., Tiwari, P., & Farouk, A. (2023). Explainable quantum clustering method to model medical data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 267, 110413. Available online
- Laxminarayana, N., Mishra, N., Tiwari, P., Garg, S., Behera, B. K., & Farouk, A. (2022). Quantum-assisted activation for supervised learning in healthcare-based intrusion detection systems. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Jannu, S., Dara, S., Thuppari, C., Vidyarthi, A., Ghosh, D., Tiwari, P., & Muhammad, G. (2022). Energy Efficient Quantum-Informed Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, Q., Tiwari, P., Wang, B., Li, Y., Pandey, H.M., Zhang, P. & Song, D. (2021). CFN: a complex-valued fuzzy network for sarcasm detection in conversations. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29(12), 3696-3710. Available online
- Moreira, C., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., Bruza, P., & Wichert, A. (2020). Quantum-like influence diagrams for decision-making. Neural Networks, 132, 190-210. Available online
- Upretty S, Tiwari, P., Dehdashti S, Fell L, Song D, Bruza P, Melucci M. Quantum-like structure in multidimensional relevance judgements, European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) 2020. Available online
- Singh, S., Rajput, N. K., Rathi, V. K., Pandey, H. M., Jaiswal, A. K., & Tiwari, P. (2020). Securing blockchain transactions using quantum teleportation and quantum digital signature. Neural Processing Letters, 1-16. Available online
- Tiwari, P., & Melucci, M. (2019). Binary Classifier Inspired by Quantum Theory, In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019. Available online
- Tiwari, P., & Melucci, M. (2019). Towards a quantum-inspired binary classifier. IEEE Access, 7, 42354-42372. Available online
- Tiwari, P., & Melucci, M. (2018). Towards a Quantum-Inspired Framework for Binary Classification, In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2018. Available online
- Li Q, Melucci M, Tiwari, P.(2018). Quantum Language Model-based Query Expansion, In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval. Available online
- Tiwari, P., & Melucci, M. (2018). Multi-class Classification Model Inspired by Quantum Detection Theory, Future Directions in Information Access (FDIA) 2018. Available preprint
Multimodal Fusion ▼
- Qian, Y., Zheng, Z., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y., Zou, Q. (2024). Multiple Kronecker RLS fusion-based link propagation for drug-side effect prediction. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). Available online Code
- Liu, J., Hu, F., Zou, Q., Tiwari, P., Wu, H., & Ding, Y. (2024). Drug repositioning by multi-aspect heterogeneous graph contrastive learning and positive-fusion negative sampling strategy. Information Fusion. Available online, Code
- Wu, H., Liu, J., Jiang, T., Zou, Q., Qi, S., Cui, Z., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y. (2024). AttentionMGT-DTA: A multi-modal drug-target affinity prediction using graph transformer and attention mechanism. Neural Networks. Available online Code
- Liu, J., Guan, S., Zou, Q., Wu, H., Tiwari, P., & Ding, Y. (2024). AMDGT: Attention aware multi-modal fusion using a dual graph transformer for drug–disease associations prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems . Available online Code
- Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Tiwari, P., Li, Q., Wang, B., Qin. J., (2023). DialogueLLM: Context and Emotion Knowledge-Tuned LLaMA Models for Emotion Recognition in Conversations. ArXiv
- Ning, X., Yu, Z., Li, L., Li, W., Tiwari, P. (2023). DILF: Differentiable rendering-based multi-view Image-Language Fusion for zero-shot 3D shape understanding. Information Fusion. Available online, Code
- Zhang, Y., Yu, Y., Zhao, D., Li, Z., Wang, B., Hou, Y., Tiwari, P., Qin, J. (2023). Learning Multi-Task Commonness and Uniqueness for Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Conversation. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Qu Z, Li Y, Tiwari, P. (2023). QNMF: A Quantum Neural Network Based Multimodal Fusion System for Intelligent Diagnosis. Information Fusion (equal contribution). Available online
- Ding Y, Tiwari, P., Guo F, Zou Q. (2023). Multi-Correntropy Fusion based Fuzzy System for Predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine Sites. Information Fusion. Available online
- Ma, J., Rong, L., Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P.(2023). Moving From Narrative to Interactive Multi-Modal Sentiment Analysis: A Survey. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Rong, L., Zheng, Q., Song, D., Tiwari, P., & Qin, J. (2023). A Multitask learning model for multimodal sarcasm, sentiment and emotion recognition in conversations. Information Fusion. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., El Saddik, A., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). A Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (equal contribution). Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Rong, L., Chen, R., AlNajem, N. A., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). Affective interaction: Attentive representation learning for multi-modal sentiment classification. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 18(3s), 1-23. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P. (2021, December). Multi-task learning for jointly detecting depression and emotion. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3142-3149). IEEE. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., & Liang, H. (2021, December). MedSeq2Seq: A medical knowledge enriched sequence to sequence learning model for Covid-19 diagnosis. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3181-3184). IEEE. Available online
- Tan, W., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., Moreira, C., & Jaiswal, A. K. (2020). Multimodal medical image fusion algorithm in the era of big data. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-21. Available online
Graph Neural Networks ▼
- Liang, G., Tiwari, P., Nowaczyk, S., & Byttner, S. (2024). Higher-order Spatio-temporal Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Imputation. CIKM 2024. Available online
- Liang, G., Tiwari, P., Nowaczyk, S., Byttner, S., & Alonso-Fernandez, F. (2024). Dynamic Causal Explanation Based Diffusion-Variational Graph Neural Network for Spatio-temporal Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Available online
- Liu, J., Hu, F., Zou, Q., Tiwari, P., Wu, H., & Ding, Y. (2024). Drug repositioning by multi-aspect heterogeneous graph contrastive learning and positive-fusion negative sampling strategy. Information Fusion. Available online, Code
- Wu, H., Liu, J., Jiang, T., Zou, Q., Qi, S., Cui, Z., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y. (2024). AttentionMGT-DTA: A multi-modal drug-target affinity prediction using graph transformer and attention mechanism. Neural Networks. Available online Code
- Liu, J., Guan, S., Zou, Q., Wu, H., Tiwari, P., & Ding, Y. (2024). AMDGT: Attention aware multi-modal fusion using a dual graph transformer for drug–disease associations prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems . Available online Code
- Xie, Q., Tiwari, P., & Ananiadou, S. (2023). Knowledge-enhanced Graph Topic Transformer for Explainable Biomedical Text Summarization. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Zeyu, H., Yan, L., Wendi, F., Wei, Z., Alenezi, F., & Tiwari, P.. (2023). Causal Embedding of User Interest and Conformity for Long-tail Session-based Recommendations. Information Sciences, 119167. Available online
- Liang, G., Kintak, U., Ning, X., Tiwari, P., Nowaczyk, S., & Kumar, N. (2023). Semantics-aware Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Available online
- Lundström, J., Hashemi, A. S., & Tiwari, P. (2023). Explainable Graph Neural Networks for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. CARING IS SHARING–EXPLOITING THE VALUE IN DATA FOR HEALTH AND INNOVATION, 603. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., El Saddik, A., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). A Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (equal contribution). Available online
- Saeed, U., Armghan, A., Quanyu, W., Alenezi, F., Yue, S., & Tiwari, P.. (2022). One-shot many-to-many facial reenactment using Bi-Layer Graph Convolutional Networks. Neural Networks, 156, 193-204. Available online
- Gao, Y., Ji, S., Zhang, T., Tiwari, P., & Marttinen, P. (2022). Contextualized Graph Embeddings for Adverse Drug Event Detection. In Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD). Available online
- Li, X., Li, J., Zhang, Y., & Tiwari, P.. (2021, December). Emotion Recognition from Multi-channel EEG Data through A Dual-pipeline Graph Attention Network. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3642-3647). IEEE. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Ma, D., Tiwari, P., Zhang, C., Masud, M., Shorfuzzaman, M., & Song, D. (2023). Stance-level Sarcasm Detection with BERT and Stance-centered Graph Attention Networks. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 23(2), 1-21. Available online
Reinforcement Learning ▼
- Tiwari, P., Lakhan, A., Jhaveri, R. H., & Gronli, T. M. (2023). Consumer-centric internet of medical things for cyborg applications based on federated reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. Available online, Code
- Chen, J., Li, T., Zhang, Y., You, T., Lu, Y., Tiwari, P., Kumar, N. (2023). Global-and-Local Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Behaviour Control of Multiple UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Available online
- Lakhan, A., Mohammed, M. A., Nedoma, J., Martinek, R., Tiwari, P., & Kumar, N. (2023). DRLBTS: deep reinforcement learning-aware blockchain-based healthcare system. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4124. Available online
- Deng, D., Li, J., Jhaveri, R. H., Tiwari, P., Ijaz, M. F., Ou, J., & Fan, C. (2022). Reinforcement Learning Based Optimization on Energy Efficiency in UAV Networks for IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Available online
- Tiwari, P., Zhu, H., & Pandey, H. M. (2021). DAPath: Distance-aware knowledge graph reasoning based on deep reinforcement learning. Neural Networks, 135, 1-12. Available online
Unsupervised Feature Selection ▼
- Tiwari, P., Movahed, F. S., Karami, S., Saberi-Movahed, F., Lehmann, J., & Vahdati, S.(2024). A Self-Representation Learning Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection using Feature Space Basis. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). Available online Code
- Saberi-Movahed, F., Biswas, B., Tiwari, P., Lehmann, J., & Vahdati, S. (2024). Deep nonnegative matrix factorization with joint global and local structure preservation, Expert Systems with Applications (2024). Available online, Code
- Samareh-Jahani, M., Saberi-Movahed, F., Eftekhari, M., Aghamollaei, G., & Tiwari, P. (2024). Low-Redundant Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Data Structure Learning and Feature Orthogonalization, Expert Systems with Applications (2024). Available online, Code
- Karami, S., Saberi-Movahed, F., Tiwari, P., Marttinen, P., & Vahdati, S. (2023). Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Variance-Covariance Subspace Distance, Neural Networks (2023). Available online, Code
- Saberi-Movahed, F., Rostami, M., Berahmand, K., Karami, S., Tiwari, P., Oussalah, M., & Band, S. S. (2022). Dual regularized unsupervised feature selection based on matrix factorization and minimum redundancy with application in gene selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 256, 109884. Available online
Healthcare ▼
- Wang, G., Zhou, M., Ning, X., Tiwari, P., Zhu, H., Yang, G., & Yap, C. H. (2024). US2Mask: Image-to-mask generation learning via a conditional GAN for cardiac ultrasound image segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Sun, L., Gupta, D., Ning, X., & Tiwari, P. (2024). DCNet: A Self-supervised EEG Classification Framework for Improving Cognitive Computing-enabled Smart Healthcare. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Wang B, Xie Q, Pei J, Tiwari, P., Li Z, & Fu J. (2023). Pre-trained Language Models in Biomedical Domain: A Systematic Survey. ACM Computing Survey. Available online
- Sun, L., Chen, Q., Zheng, M., Ning, X., Gupta, D., & Tiwari, P. (2023). Energy-efficient Online Continual Learning for Time Series Classification in Nanorobot-based Smart Health. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Tiwari, P., Lakhan, A., Jhaveri, R. H., & Gronli, T. M. (2023). Consumer-centric internet of medical things for cyborg applications based on federated reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. Available online, Code
- Qu, Z., Shi, W., Tiwari, P. (2023). Quantum conditional generative adversarial network based on patch method for abnormal electrocardiogram generation. Computers in Biology and Medicine (equal contribution). Available online
- Qu, Z., Li, Y., Tiwari, P. (2023). QNMF: A Quantum Neural Network Based Multimodal Fusion System for Intelligent Diagnosis. Information Fusion (equal contribution). Available online
- Qu, Z,, Li, Y., Liu, B., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P.. (2023). DTQFL: A Digital Twin-Assisted Quantum Federated Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Diagnosis in 5G Mobile Network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Qu, Z., Shi, W., Liu, B., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P.. (2023). IoMT-based smart healthcare detection system driven by quantum blockchain and quantum neural network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Qu, Z., Meng, Y, Liu, B., Muhammad, G., Tiwari, P.. (2023). QB-IMD: A secure medical data processing system with privacy protection based on quantum blockchain for IoMT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Available online
- Rani, S., Kataria, A., Kumar, S., & Tiwari, P.. (2023). Federated learning for secure IoMT-applications in smart healthcare systems: A comprehensive review. Knowledge-Based Systems, 110658. Available online
- Miao, J., Wang, Z., Wu, Z., Ning, X., & Tiwari, P.. (2023). A blockchain-enabled privacy-preserving authentication management protocol for Internet of Medical Things. Expert Systems with Applications. Available online
- Muazu, T., Yingchi, M., Muhammad, A. U., Ibrahim, M., Samuel, O., & Tiwari, P.. (2023). IoMT: A Medical Resource Management System Using Edge Empowered Blockchain Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. Available online
- Deshmukh, S., Behera, B. K., Mulay, P., Ahmed, E. A., Al-Kuwari, S., Tiwari, P., & Farouk, A. (2023). Explainable quantum clustering method to model medical data. Knowledge-Based Systems, 267, 110413. Available online
- Laxminarayana, N., Mishra, N., Tiwari, P., Garg, S., Behera, B. K., & Farouk, A. (2022). Quantum-assisted activation for supervised learning in healthcare-based intrusion detection systems. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Lakhan, A., Mohammed, M. A., Nedoma, J., Martinek, R., Tiwari, P., & Kumar, N. (2023). DRLBTS: deep reinforcement learning-aware blockchain-based healthcare system. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4124. Available online
- Khan, H. U., Raza, B., Shah, M. H., Usama, S. M., Tiwari, P., & Band, S. S. (2023). SMDetector: Small mitotic detector in histopathology images using faster R-CNN with dilated convolutions in backbone model. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 81, 104414. Available online
- Sun, L., Zhang, M., Wang, B., & Tiwari, P. (2023). Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning for Medical Time Series Classification. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- Gao, Y., Ji, S., Zhang, T., Tiwari, P., & Marttinen, P. (2022). Contextualized Graph Embeddings for Adverse Drug Event Detection. In Proceedings of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD). Available online
- Singh, R., Tiwari, P., Band, S. S., Rehman, A. U., Mahajan, S., Ding, Y., Liu, X., & Pandit, A. K. (2022). Impact of quarantine on fractional order dynamical model of Covid-19. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 151, 106266. Available online
- Li, X., Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Song, D., Hu, B., Yang, M., Zhao, Z., Kumar, N & Marttinen, P. (2022). EEG based emotion recognition: A tutorial and review. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(4), 1-57. Available online
- Lakhan, A., Mohammed, M.A., Nedoma, J., Martinek, R., Tiwari, P., & Kumar, N. (2022). Blockchain-Enabled Cybersecurity Efficient IIOHT Cyber-Physical System for Medical Applications. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. Available online
- Xie, Q., Bishop, J. A., Tiwari, P., & Ananiadou, S. (2022). Pre-trained language models with domain knowledge for biomedical extractive summarization. Knowledge-Based Systems, 252, 109460. Available online
- He, L., Tiwari, P., Lv, C., Wu, W., & Guo, L. (2022). Reducing noisy annotations for depression estimation from facial images. Neural Networks, 153, 120-129. Available online
- Rahman, A., Hossain, M.S., Muhammad, G., Kundu, D., Debnath, T., Rahman, M., Khan, M.S.I., Tiwari, P. & Band, S. S. (2022). Federated learning-based AI approaches in smart healthcare: concepts, taxonomies, challenges and open issues. Cluster Computing, 1-41. Available online
- Samuel, O., Omojo, A. B., Mohsin, S. M., Tiwari, P., Gupta, D., & Band, S. S. (2022). An anonymous IoT-Based E-health monitoring system using blockchain technology. IEEE Systems Journal. Available online
- Lakhan, A., Mohammed, M.A., Nedoma, J., Martinek, R., Tiwari, P., Vidyarthi, A., Alkhayyat, A & Wang, W. (2022). Federated-learning based privacy preservation and fraud-enabled blockchain IoMT system for healthcare. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Available online
- He, L., Niu, M., Tiwari, P., Marttinen, P., Su, R., Jiang, J., Guo, C., Wang, H., Ding, S., Wang, Pan, X., & Dang, W. (2022). Deep learning for depression recognition with audiovisual cues: A review. Information Fusion, 80, 56-86. Available online
- Samuel, O., Omojo, A.B., Onuja, A.M., Sunday, Y., Tiwari, P., Gupta, D., Hafeez, G., Yahaya, A.S., Fatoba, O.J & Shamshirband, S. (2022). IoMT: A COVID-19 healthcare system driven by federated learning and blockchain. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(2), 823-834. Available online
- He, L., Guo, C.,Tiwari, P., Su, R., Pandey, H. M., & Dang, W. (2022). DepNet: An automated industrial intelligent system using deep learning for video‐based depression analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 37(7), 3815-3835 (equal contribution). Available online
- He, L., Guo, C., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., & Dang, W. (2022). Intelligent system for depression scale estimation with facial expressions and case study in industrial intelligence. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 37(12), 10140-10156 (equal contribution). Available online
- Ji, S., Zhang, T., Ansari, L., Fu, J., Tiwari, P., & Cambria, E. (2021). Mentalbert: Publicly available pretrained language models for mental healthcare. LREC 2022. Available online
- Rathi, V. K., Rajput, N. K., Mishra, S., Grover, B. A., Tiwari, P., Jaiswal, A. K., & Hossain, M. S. (2021). An edge AI-enabled IoT healthcare monitoring system for smart cities. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 96, 107524. Available online
- He, L., Tiwari, P., Su, R., Shi, X., Marttinen, P., & Kumar, N. (2021). CovidNet: An automatic architecture for Covid-19 detection with deep learning from chest X-ray images. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(13), 11376-11384 (equal contribution). Available online
- Das, A., Mohanty, M. N., Mallick, P. K., Tiwari, P., Muhammad, K., & Zhu, H. (2021). Breast cancer detection using an ensemble deep learning method. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 70, 103009. Available online
- Shome, D., Kar, T., Mohanty, S. N., Tiwari, P., Muhammad, K., AlTameem, A., ... & Saudagar, A. K. J. (2021). Covid-transformer: Interpretable covid-19 detection using vision transformer for healthcare. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11086. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P. (2021, December). Multi-task learning for jointly detecting depression and emotion. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3142-3149). IEEE. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., & Liang, H. (2021, December). MedSeq2Seq: A medical knowledge enriched sequence to sequence learning model for Covid-19 diagnosis. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3181-3184). IEEE. Available online
- Tan, W., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., Moreira, C., & Jaiswal, A. K. (2020). Multimodal medical image fusion algorithm in the era of big data. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-21. Available online
- Tiwari, P., Uprety, S., Dehdashti, S., & Hossain, M. S. (2020). TermInformer: unsupervised term mining and analysis in biomedical literature. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14. Available online
- Qian, J., Tiwari, P., Gochhayat, S. P., & Pandey, H. M. (2020). A noble double-dictionary-based ECG compression technique for IoTH. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(10), 10160-10170. Available online
- Chouhan, V., Singh, S. K., Khamparia, A., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P., Moreira, C., ... & De Albuquerque, V. H. C. (2020). A novel transfer learning based approach for pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 559. Available online
- Jaiswal, A. K., Tiwari, P., Kumar, S., Gupta, D., Khanna, A., & Rodrigues, J. J. (2019). Identifying pneumonia in chest X-rays: A deep learning approach. Measurement, 145, 511-518. Available online
Bioinformatics ▼
- Qian, Y., Zheng, Z., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y., Zou, Q. (2024). Multiple Kronecker RLS fusion-based link propagation for drug-side effect prediction. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). Available online Code
- Liu, J., Hu, F., Zou, Q., Tiwari, P., Wu, H., & Ding, Y. (2024). Drug repositioning by multi-aspect heterogeneous graph contrastive learning and positive-fusion negative sampling strategy. Information Fusion. Available online, Code
- Ding, Y., Tiwari, P., Guo, F., Zou, Q., & Ding, W. (2024). Fuzzy Neural Tangent Kernel Model for Identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine Sites. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Available online.
- Dou, M., Tang, J., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y., & Guo, F. (2024). Drug-drug interaction relation extraction based on deep learning: A review. ACM Computing Survey. Available online
- Wu, H., Liu, J., Jiang, T., Zou, Q., Qi, S., Cui, Z., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y. (2024). AttentionMGT-DTA: A multi-modal drug-target affinity prediction using graph transformer and attention mechanism. Neural Networks. Available online Code
- Liu, J., Guan, S., Zou, Q., Wu, H., Tiwari, P., & Ding, Y. (2024). AMDGT: Attention aware multi-modal fusion using a dual graph transformer for drug–disease associations prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems . Available online Code
- Ding, Y., Guo, F., Tiwari, P., & Zou Q. (2023). Identification of Drug-Side Effect Association Via Multi-View Semi-Supervised Sparse Model. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Ding Y, Tiwari, P., Guo F, Zou Q. (2023). Multi-Correntropy Fusion based Fuzzy System for Predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine Sites. Information Fusion. Available online
- Xie H, Ding Y, Qian Y, Tiwari, P., Guo F. (2023). Structured Sparse Regularization based Random Vector Functional Link Networks for DNA N4-methylcytosine sites prediction. Expert Systems with Applications. Available online, Code
- Wang, L., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y., & Guo F. (2023). Weighted Fuzzy System for Identifying DNA N4-Methylcytosine Sites With Kernel Entropy Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online.
- Wang, L., Ding, Y., Tiwari, P., Xu, J., Lu, W., Muhammad, K., de Albuquerquee, V.H.C. & Guo F. (2023). A deep multiple kernel learning-based higher-order fuzzy inference system for identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine sites.Information Sciences. Available online.
- Guo, X., Tiwari, P., Zou, Q., & Ding Y. (2023). Subspace projection-based weighted echo state networks for predicting therapeutic peptides.Knowledge-Based Systems.Available online.
- Li, P., Tiwari, P., Xu, J., Qian, Y., Ai, C., Ding, Y., & Guo F. (2022). Sparse regularized joint projection model for identifying associations of non-coding RNAs and human diseases.Knowledge-Based Systems. Available online.
- Guo, X., Qian, Y., Tiwari, P., Zou Q., & Ding, Y. (2022, December). Kernel Risk Sensitive Loss-based Echo State Networks for Predicting Therapeutic Peptides with Sparse Learning.IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Available online
- Guo, X., Tiwari, P., Zhang, Y., Han, S., Wang, Y., & Ding, Y. (2022). Random Fourier features-based sparse representation classifier for identifying DNA-binding proteins.Computers in Biology and Medicine. Available online.
- Ding, Y., Tiwari, P., Guo, F., & Zou, Q. (2022). Shared subspace-based radial basis function neural network for identifying ncRNAs subcellular localization.Neural Networks. Available online.
- Sun, M., Tiwari, P., Qian, Y., Ding, Y., & Zou Q. (2022). MLapSVM-LBS: Predicting DNA-binding proteins via a multiple Laplacian regularized support vector machine with local behavior similarity.Knowledge-Based Systems. Available online.
- Ai, C., Tiwari, P., Yang, H., Ding, Y., Tang, J., & Guo F. (2022). Identification of DNA N4-methylcytosine sites via multi-view kernel sparse representation model. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online.
- Ding, Y., Tiwari, P., Zou, Q., Guo, F., & Pandey, H. M. (2022). C-Loss Based Higher Order Fuzzy Inference Systems for Identifying DNA N4-Methylcytosine Sites.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Available online.
Natural Language Processing ▼
- Dou, M., Tang, J., Tiwari, P., Ding, Y., & Guo, F. (2024). Drug-drug interaction relation extraction based on deep learning: A review. ACM Computing Survey. Available online
- Wang B, Xie Q, Pei J, Tiwari, P., Li Z, & Fu J. (2023). Pre-trained Language Models in Biomedical Domain: A Systematic Survey. ACM Computing Survey. Available online
- Yu F, Zhang H, Tiwari, P., & Wang B (2023). Natural Language Reasoning, A Survey. Available preprint
- Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Tiwari, P., Li, Q., Wang, B., Qin. J., (2023). DialogueLLM: Context and Emotion Knowledge-Tuned LLaMA Models for Emotion Recognition in Conversations. ArXiv
- Li J, Wu X, Liu X, Xie Q, Tiwari, P., & Wang B (2023). Can Language Models Make Fun? A Case Study in Chinese Comical Crosstalk. 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2023
- Zhang, Y., Yu, Y., Zhao, D., Li, Z., Wang, B., Hou, Y., Tiwari, P., Qin, J. (2023). Learning Multi-Task Commonness and Uniqueness for Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Conversation. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Available online
- Ma, J., Rong, L., Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P.(2023). Moving From Narrative to Interactive Multi-Modal Sentiment Analysis: A Survey. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Rong, L., Zheng, Q., Song, D., Tiwari, P., & Qin, J. (2023). A Multitask learning model for multimodal sarcasm, sentiment and emotion recognition in conversations. Information Fusion. Available online
- Li, S., Sun, C., Xu, Z., Tiwari, P., Liu, B., Gupta, D., ... & Wang, M. (2023). Toward Explainable Dialogue System Using Two-stage Response Generation. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(3), 1-18. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., El Saddik, A., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). A Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (equal contribution). Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Rong, L., Chen, R., AlNajem, N. A., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). Affective interaction: Attentive representation learning for multi-modal sentiment classification. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 18(3s), 1-23. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P. (2021, December). Multi-task learning for jointly detecting depression and emotion. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3142-3149). IEEE. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Rong, L., Li, X., Tiwari, P., Zheng, Q., & Liang, H. (2021, December). MedSeq2Seq: A medical knowledge enriched sequence to sequence learning model for Covid-19 diagnosis. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (pp. 3181-3184). IEEE. Available online
- Tiwari, P., Zhu, H., & Pandey, H. M. (2021). DAPath: Distance-aware knowledge graph reasoning based on deep reinforcement learning. Neural Networks, 135, 1-12. Available online
- Zhang, Y., Tiwari, P., Song, D., Mao, X., Wang, P., Li, X., & Pandey, H. M. (2021). Learning interaction dynamics with an interactive LSTM for conversational sentiment analysis. Neural Networks, 133, 40-56. Available online
- Tiwari, P., Jaiswal, A. K., Garg, S., & You, I. (2021). SANTM: Efficient Self-attention-driven Network for Text Matching. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 22(3), 1-21. Available online
- Wang, D., Tiwari, P., Shorfuzzaman, M., & Schmitt, I. (2021). Deep neural learning on weighted datasets utilizing label disagreement from crowdsourcing. Computer Networks, 196, 108227. Available online
- Xie, Q., Tiwari, P., Gupta, D., Huang, J., & Peng, M. (2021). Neural variational sparse topic model for sparse explainable text representation. Information Processing & Management, 58(5), 102614. Available online
- Wang, D., Tiwari, P., Garg, S., Zhu, H., & Bruza, P. (2020). Structural block driven enhanced convolutional neural representation for relation extraction. Applied Soft Computing, 86, 105913 (equal contribution). Available online
- Zhu, H., Tiwari, P., Ghoneim, A., & Hossain, M. S. (2021). A collaborative ai-enabled pretrained language model for aiot domain question answering. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(5), 3387-3396 (equal contribution). Available online
Computer Vision ▼
- Ning, E., Wang, C., Zhang, H., Ning, X., & Tiwari, P. (2024). Occluded person re-identification with deep learning: A survey and perspectives. Expert Systems with Applications. Available online
- Tian, S., Li, W., Ning, X., Ran, H., Qin, H., & Tiwari, P. (2023). Continuous transfer of neural network representational similarity for incremental learning. Neurocomputing, 545, 126300. Available online
- Ran, H., Ning, X., Li, W., Hao, M., & Tiwari, P. (2023). 3D human pose and shape estimation via de-occlusion multi-task learning. Neurocomputing, 126284. Available online
- Yang, Y., Tan, Z., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., Wan, J., Lei, Z., ... & Li, S. Z. (2021). Cascaded split-and-aggregate learning with feature recombination for pedestrian attribute recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision, 129, 2731-2744. Available online
- Yang, Y., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., & Lei, Z. (2021). Pixel and feature transfer fusion for unsupervised cross-dataset person reidentification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Available online
- Yang, Y., Zhang, T., Cheng, J., Hou, Z., Tiwari, P., & Pandey, H. M. (2020). Cross-modality paired-images generation and augmentation for RGB-infrared person re-identification. Neural Networks, 128, 294-304. Available online
- Wu, J., Yang, Y., Lei, Z., Wang, J., Li, S. Z., Tiwari, P., & Pandey, H. M. (2020). An end-to-end exemplar association for unsupervised person re-identification. Neural Networks, 129, 43-54. Available online
Intelligent System ▼
- Qu, Z., Tang, Y., Muhammad, G., & Tiwari, P. (2023). Privacy protection in intelligent vehicle networking: A novel federated learning algorithm based on information fusion. Information Fusion, 98, 101824. Available online
- Aslam, M. S., Tiwari, P., Pandey, H. M., & Band, S. S. (2023). Robust stability analysis for class of Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy with stochastic process for sustainable hypersonic vehicles. Information Sciences, 641, 119044. Available online
- Chavhan, S., Kumar, S., Tiwari, P., Liang, X., Lee, I. H., & Muhammad, K. (2023). Edge-enabled Blockchain-based V2X Scheme for Secure Communication within the Smart City Development. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Available online
- Mohammed, M. A., Garcia-Zapirain, B., Nedoma, J., Martinek, R., Tiwari, P., & Kumar, N. (2022). Fully Homomorphic Enabled Secure Task Offloading and Scheduling System for Transport Applications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(11), 12140-12153. Available online